Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 11,2011

Why should diners be exposed to different cuisines?


  1. Different races may come in the resturant and may nwant to eat there kinds of food. wfelds 5th period

  2. j.clemons-5th period
    Why should diners be exposed to different cuisines? I dont think we should be exposed to different cuisines because i like the foood that we already have and if they was to change it i would be mad.

  3. S.Woods-4th pd.
    Diners should be exposed to different cuisines because they would like to eat what type of cuisines they would want instead of the same. Diners should also be exposed to diffferent cuisines because of their culture and what they eat, nobody likes to eat the same thing as everyone else.

  4. K.Lassiter
    5th pd
    I believe resturants should be exposed to different foods so that there customers could enjoy varieties types of cuisine. With different cuisines they would have enough reasons to come back an enjoy the options of food.

  5. Eric Davis
    5th Block
    I think restaurants should serve diffrent cuisine of meals.The reason I think this is because, us as people will not be happy with the same cuisine every day. Us as people should be able to taste food from all over the world.

  6. Trenton J
    So can have a different feel to other food istead of just eating the same kind of food every day.Some food help you go out to eat more and try different types of food that you never tryed before.
    5th period

  7. Tyeesha Walton
    period .5th
    I think people should have different cuisines. Because everyone doesnt eat the same things. and then in that case everyone should have something they enjoy eating . If they service different cuisines everyone will have something they like to eat .

  8. S. Orozco
    5th period
    It's important for a diner to have different types of cuisines. Not everyone has the same taste. Some people might like Italian food while others hate it. Also it's important to have different cuisines so that the costumer can try different foods from different cultures.

  9. T Nunn- 5th Period

    Restaurants sould offer a variety of cuisines. It is better to expose your customers to more things. Who wants to eat the same dishes everyday? The more a restaurant offers the better. If customers like a variety of food and tey find a restaurant that does that, they will come to that business more. The more the customer comes the more money they make. It's a win win situation. The customer has more to choose from, and the business makes more money.

  10. It think diners should be exposed different cuisines because sometimes we could make ew recipe.

    by jcalloway

  11. Ms. DODSON
    5TH PD.

    I think diners should have different cuisines because everyone does not like the same types of cuisines. Some people might like AISIAN FOODS, some might like americans foods.

  12. Brittany C.
    5th period
    Diners should be exposed to a variety of cuisines because it gives more selections of dishes to customers. This will ncrease customer satisfaction and the diner's popularity.

  13. M.Pesina -5th Period
    I think diners should have variety of foods. They should be able to offer whatever the client wants. I wouldnt like to go to a restaurant where they offer only one style of food. When I go out to eat I like to have different options to pick from. What makes a retaurant great is good service and the variety of food.

  14. b.merritt -5th block

    i think that diners should have different cuisines because nobody likes one type of should always have different meals.say for example you have an american cuisine but it is a chinese diner that is a good diner.thats why i think diners should have different cuisine

  15. i agree yes i jus wanna eat some goat ms woodson

  16. i believe diners should be apen to dfferent kinds of couisene so as to keep the diner from getting bored

  17. C.Williams-6th PeriodAugust 11, 2011 at 1:37 PM

    Why should diners be exposed to different cuisines? Its a known fact that if you have a variety of options your customers will stay. People like to have different foods to eat. It keeps you interested and not make you so bored.

  18. To me every diner should want to have their on cuisenes. I mean like why would you want to be like everyone else and have the same cuisene as they do you should want to be diferent. The reason why i say that is what if consumers like your cuisene better that you serve at your diner ; they'll want to eat at your diner more than other ones.

  19. Jasmn Laney 5th BlockAugust 11, 2011 at 1:40 PM

    Diners should be exposed to dfferent cuisines, so they can try new things. Instead of having they same types of foods the can try something new. Some people get tred of the same foods, so restaurants need to try to make some new dishes.

  20. Jabria Brown- 6th periodAugust 11, 2011 at 1:41 PM

    Some people just dont want the regular food some people might want to taste diffrent thing like if it is a chinese resturant they should have thing like mexican food or Italian food they shouldnt just pick chinese food from there menu they should try other cuisine so the store could be more intersting

  21. Diners should be exposed to different cuisines so that people can get an idea of how different foods are supposed to taste. Some people get tired of eating the same type of foods each and every day. It would be nice to change from all the hamburgers, chickens, and other foods once in a while. Also if you haven't been around the world, but want to taste different foods, it would be a great opportunity to try those foods.

  22. 6th period Diners should be exposed to different cuisines because of the foods. They should be exposed it shows how well it is.

  23. There are different reasons why diners should be exposed to different cuisines. One is because it can bring in so many new customers. They would have alot more money from the new customers. The diner might even get notice for having different cuisines. It would be very good for the business.

  24. Quincy C 6th periodAugust 11, 2011 at 1:44 PM

    Why should diners be exposed to different cuisines? Because some people dont like to eat the same thing everytime they come to the restaruant

  25. Khoa Vu 6th Period
    Because they need to change their taste in the

  26. adrain smith
    7th period
    because different foods should be introduced to the world in different partsof the world. all resterauts should offer differnt cuisines to fit the customers m taste buds

  27. Tomeka Bryant
    7th pd

    I think that diners should be expose more cisines because you find out how good they are and you can buy it more also it's good to try out diffeent things in life.

  28. Diners should be exposed to different cuisines to present what restaurant chefs can do.
    Amia Sims
    7th period

  29. D.clinkscale
    Diners shoud be exposed too different cuisines because people dont like eatin the same food.And the diner would lose service.

  30. Y. Hernandez
    7th Block
    Because people like different types of food. It would be boring if you had to eat the same type of food every single day. Sometimes people like to try something different.

  31. We should be expose to different cuisines because we dont want to eat the same kind of food eat day. I know that you dont want to eat the same food each day. We should be exposed different kinds of foods because everyone has a different kind of culture
    K.Jackson (: 4th Period

  32. K. Biggs
    7th Period
    I think diners should be exposed to different cuisines. One reason is because someone might be allergic to one dish, so they would have to get a different one. If one resaurant has only one kind of cuisine, then their business might not grow as much as another restaurant with multiple cuisines might.

  33. Marquis Collins
    7th Period
    Diners should be exposed of different cuisines because if you go to a restaurant you would get tired of eating the samething.

  34. I belive that the dinners would want to come back again if the customers enjoy the food and different dnner coices.

  35. mjohnson.
    7th period
    diners should be exposed to different cuisines because it is boring when it only has the same cuisines when you come. you can easily run out of business.

  36. BPham-7th
    Diners should be exposed to different cuisines because it helps them explore the different culture. In addition, different cuisines make diners interested. New flavors, new tastes are great to try.

  37. alton m. dodson
    7th period
    i feel that we should have different types of food in america because america is made up of one than more culture so we should represent those different cultures y food:O :)

  38. K. Hudson- 7th Period
    By exposing diners to different cuisines you are showing them many different cultures. When you show them this they become more literate in the culinary arts. Also this will help your business by making the diner want to come back to your restaurant.

  39. Diners should be exposed to different cuisines because all of them shouldn't have just one special kind of meal to serve.

    Rouland D.
    7th period

  40. Alexxis Peavy
    7th period
    I think customers should be exposed to different cuisines because they will many different foods to choose from.

  41. lashonta G
    AUg ll,11

    they have foods so people like to try many things and it might be have many people of alot of people that vist the place

  42. Candis Bullard
    7th period
    Diner should be exposed to different cuisines because people don't want to eat the same food over and over and over again.

  43. Anna Roberts
    7th Block
    Diners should be exposed to different cuisines so the customers can try the different ones.

  44. CClemons-7th period
    So customers can choose from different types of food.

  45. shantia .r
    7th period
    diners shoul be exposed to iffrent types becuase ppl dont want to have the same food at diffrent diners then if they do some diner wont have business becuase all the diners will have th same things so ppl will go to the same low price diner alot

  46. D. Daniels 5th Period

    Diners should be exposed to different cuisines because they would like to eat what type of cuisines they would want instead of the same. Diners should also be exposed to diffferent cuisines because of their culture and what they eat, nobody likes to eat the same thing as everyone else.

  47. b.merritt 5th block
    Diner should be exposed to different cuisines because people don't want to eat the same food over and over and over again.


  49. diners should be exposed to different cuisines because tourists from different countries and cities would want to find something that can be familiar to them since they are in a new place

  50. JWhitehead
    7th block
    I think resturants should be exposed to different foods so that there customers could enjoy varieties types of cuisine. With different cuisines they would have enough reasons to come back an enjoy the options of food.

  51. Tyesha Stone
    7th period

    Dinners should be exposed to diffrent cuisines because you dnt want to go to diffrent places and have the same thing over and over again

  52. Jaren Hill 6th PeriodSeptember 6, 2011 at 2:03 PM

    Jaren Hill 6th Period
    Diners should expose different cuisine because people may come in from a different race wanting to eat their kinda food not just american food.

  53. According to tradition, there should be at least five different kinds of fish in a proper .... Chicken marsala is one of those Italian American dishes that seems to be a ..... special casserole that is perfect for Sunday dinners or potluck gatherings . ..... Often it was just a simple tuna macaroni salad, but we kids were exposed to a veriaty of foods

  54. Jaren Hill 6th Period
    Diners should expose different cuisines for one reason, the people. People of different race may come the diner expecting some of the food they eat on the menu. But they see it isn't none so they leave. And you just lost a customer or customers.

  55. Savanna-7th period
    People need to be exposed to different cuisines in order to teach people the need to know about other cultures and how they are as well as to keep them coming back to your restaurant in order to diversify their diet.

  56. deandre brown 5th period
    people want to be exposed to different types of food

  57. Diners should cook different foods so that you don't have to taste the same flavors.People most of time do not like eating the same thing always.
