Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21, 2011

Are there particular local hazards in your area (school, home, neighborhood, community)? What can be done to make these safer?  Incorporate your vocabulary terms in your response.


  1. Brittany C.
    5th period
    Yes, a safety hazard in our area would be lack of attention For example people aree always walking down the street on their cell phones talking or texting and they rarely pay attention to their surroundings. The safety hazard in this would be that peolple can trip over something they did not see. Or they could accidentally walk into the street.

  2. deandre brown 5th period
    yes while the people are mopping the floor next to th lunch room they still have appliances plugged in

  3. period.5th
    The biggest safe Hazards I see is cell phones. texting and talking on the phones while driving.They be to busy on the phone that they make others in danger.

  4. Kierra Lassiter 5th PeriodSeptember 21, 2011 at 12:47 PM

    You can placed them in storages that can be locked. Hazardous items shouldn't be stored around edible things, like spices you use to season food. If that does occur you may accidently use an hazardous product instead of a spice and it could put harm to the human body majorly. You should keep hazardous chemicals labeled and stored away to keep from any harm coming to an idividual by that chemical.

  5. b.merritt 5th block

    you can have neighborhood watches to look over every thing that doesnt look safe.

  6. Eric Davis
    5th block

    Today there was an saftey hazard. I walk into the class and some cords where taggled up with a chair. So I unpluged all the cords and untaggled them and plug them back up.

  7. S. Orozco
    5th period
    There are many hazards in the community. One of the main ones are potholes in the roads. They could cause accidents to occur. Most likely someone would end up injured. The places were the roads seem to be the worst is at places like a trailor park or dirt roads. To fix this problem the people that live there could talk to the landlord or the person in charge of the place. If nothing is done I'm pretty sure you can talk with the police or sheriffs, and point out that the roads are dangerous. They would most likely do something about it.

  8. D. Daniels 5th Period

    I wish I could but I will try to but some folks will probably want to fight if I go there in the streets and ask people to help me have a better and safer community place to be at and people will get along really good and not fight or startany trouble in the area around the community, so it really depends on how the people react to the question I ask and what there question is around here. But you will have to show some folks around here sometimes cause it really is bad around here now thee days so thats why our community need to be better and it is not onlt in the community/streets folks/students are bringing it to the school and everything else so I really believe/think that no where is safe for you these days, at home, school, or any where else cause they are robbing and shooting and killing people over stupid stuff or something really crazy and ain't no reason to kill them for that so it really depends, and something that really need to stop around here is people talking 'bout other folks behind there back and when the words get back around to the person you were talking about they will be wanting to fight you. But I get joked, bullied, talked about, and picked on all the times and just let it slide by cause that is a 24/7 thing for me.

  9. A.Woods - 5th block
    Home could be one of the local hazards in our area because there are some things that need to be done to our homes to make it safer . One thing we could do make our homw safer is to put more and better fire alarms in our house .

  10. S.Woods-5th pd.
    There are a whole lot of local hazards in my home. In my home a hazardous thing happened when my sister was mopping she forgot to put up the wet sign and my oldest brother was going to walk on the floor until I stopped him and put the sign up, another hazardous thing that happened was when I put a box of glasses on the top shelf in the kitchen, my grandmother walked by and bumped into the shelf, the box almost feel on her. She called me into the kitchen and told me to remove the box.

  11. T Nunn- 5th Period

    There are several hazards throughout my community. The roads are in poor condition. I'm glad the city has taken the time to fix the roads now. The pipes need some work done unto them because spills are frequently occuring now. The brush is building up in my neighborhood to the point it looks like a jungle.

  12. WFields 5th period

    Many hazards are going throught the home .. Most people don't realize that hazards can cause many types of injuries .. For example electricution and fires .. If people paid more attention to safety procedures, many accidents will not occur ..

  13. Floods are one of the most common hazards in the United States.
    To prepare for a flood, you should:

    •Avoid building in a floodplain unless you elevate and reinforce your home.

    •Elevate the furnace, water heater, and electric panel if susceptible to flooding.

    •Install "check valves" in sewer traps to prevent flood water from backing up into the drains of your home.

    •Construct barriers (levees, beams, floodwalls) to stop floodwater from entering the building.

    •Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage.
    During a Flood

    If a flood is likely in your area, you should:

    •Listen to the radio or television for information.

    •Be aware that flash flooding can occur. If there is any possibility of a flash flood, move immediately to higher ground. Do not wait for instructions to move.

    •Be aware of streams, drainage channels, canyons, and other areas known to flood suddenly. Flash floods can occur in these areas with or without such typical warnings as rain clouds or heavy rain.
    j.clemons-5th period

  14. M. DODSON
    5TH PD.

    Some of the local hazzards in my area are there are many hedges blocking the views so that you will have to pull out a great distance. In my home I have extension cords in almost every room of my home. To make it safe I can buy an adapter to use.

  15. j.harden-6th block
    well, at home while my step mom is cooking in the kitchen everyone is in the kitchen walking by the stove even my dog is. this could be fixed by putting a do not enter sighn on the door so no one will get hurt.

  16. There are many hazards in those places but the biggest hazards is not following directions. If people were to make more of an effort to enforce the rules, then these problems would not occur. The people could make a brochure, comic book, poster, and many other things then rule breaking would not be possible.

  17. Quincy.Cross 6thperiodSeptember 21, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    You can put up signs some where and warn or tell
    them about it

  18. C.Williams-6th periodSeptember 21, 2011 at 1:41 PM

    What are some particularly hazardous things in your area? One thing that I noticed is the trash on the roads and sidewalks. My mother and I were in the car the other and she was swerving trying to not run over what was in the road. At first we thought it was a dead body, but it ended up being a shirt and some pants crumpled up in the middle of the highway. It was a scary thing. It's also dangerous because we could've died because we wasn't aware of what it was.

  19. Jabria Brown- 6th PeriodSeptember 21, 2011 at 1:41 PM

    There are some hazards in our school why I say that is because janitors they mop the schools floor and they would leav a sign sayin "Caution wet floor" or when we have outlet they would say " Do Not Touch Might get electricuted. Or when teacher give us rules not to touch anything we shouldnt touch because something probably happen to another student and they probably dont want us to do the same mistake.

  20. There are different hazards in the community and school. Also there different ways to make it safer. One way is to make sure that everything is sanitary. Make sure you clean things regulaly. When people use the bathroom, make sure you wash your hands. Doing these things will make the school and the community safer.

  21. To me i think its just that everything is in my hood.police can lock up who ever but who says they arent getting out.I have to deal with fighting and being somebody.if i could make some rules it would be not letting any one struggle.Another rule would be to stop drug sellin.Where i was raised at just because you are young dont mean they want sell it.

  22. 6th period In my neighborhood,school,and community there are hazards.In my neighborhood i would put up safety signs on people houses so that they would be more safer. Also with the enviornment.The school i would talk to students and also give good advice.For the community i would have a safety fair about keeping the community safe and clean.

  23. Nathan Prince 6 blockSeptember 21, 2011 at 1:50 PM

    I used have local hazards in my neighborhood. The thing that need too be done is if someone is doing what they shouldn't be done call the police.

  24. Jaren Hill 6th PeriodSeptember 21, 2011 at 1:53 PM

    Jaren Hill 6th Period

    Make sure all hazards thing r kept out of the way. Hazard things are bad to people.

  25. there are kids spilling and leaving trash laying around were someone could trip and hurt themselves.

  26. Yes there are local hazards in my community. There is water pollution in our rivers and streams. We can prevent these things if we tell people about how this effects our community.

    Rouland D.
    7th period

  27. s.reynolds
    7th period
    id put a fire extinguisher in my fire home and school. fire detectors in the school and home.

  28. Contrevion C
    7th periode local
    There are local hazards, or rules we have to follow by in all areas. They keep us from having accidents, or from somobody getting hurt. If there aren't any, we should have the right to let people know to keep the environment safe.


    :) :( :) :( :) :(

  30. A. Roberts
    There are many different things. One is wet floors. They wait to mop floors causethe other day alomost slipped.

  31. There is many safety issues.

    ~Savanna Phillips <33 7th Block

  32. K. Biggs
    7th Period
    Some hazards would be you should wear sneakers instead of flip flops in the kitchen while you are cooking, because a knife could fall and you could get your foot cut.

  33. Marquis Collins
    7th Period
    Yes, there are particular local hazards in my areas. You can get some people to help you clean up the neighborhood. If there are no rules to the local hazards we should keep it clean.

  34. adrain smith
    7th period

    my neighborhood needs a fire station. They also need to put up new strret lights.My neighborhood doesnt really anything because we have a very small town. We are in the country so nothing bad really happens.

  35. JWhitehead
    7th block
    Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services, such as water, gas, electricity, or telephones, were cut off? Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away.

    You and the other members of your household could be separated during a disaster. Having a plan will help you find each other.

    Families can and do cope with disaster by preparing in advance and working together as a team. Knowing what to do is your best protection and your responsibility.

  36. Kelsey - 7th Period
    There are no certain hazards for the area that I can think of off the top of my head. Although every area is susceptible to anything at any given time. To make these things (whatever they may be) safer for the people or any living thing in the area certain rules have to be in place:
    1. Curfews for children under certain ages to keep them from doing anything without supervision that could be harmful.
    2. Area clean ups can be an optional thing to keep the place free from litter and other harmful objects.
    3. Conduct must be handled with seriousness that way children and adults stay out of unnecessary trouble and fighting.

  37. Yes, they are local hazards in my neighborhood. The lights dont be on at a certain time. Our neighborhood is also nasty.
    K.Jackson (:
    7th Period

  38. BPham-7th
    While you are working in the kitchen, you should wear shoes that can cover your whole feet. It could helps you to protect your feet while you frying food.

  39. Brandi Tyson
    7th period
    Local hazards in the kitchen in my area like in my home is keep cabinet doors closed, watch your step, make sure the floor is dry don't put your hand 1st in the dish washer, and don't run with the knife in your hand. For school watch your Surroundings, also keep cabinet doors closed, keep hair pulled back, and don't have color or nails on your hand. For my neighborhood out side of the kitchen, look both ways before crossing the street, don't run the red light, follow the direction of the law, keep eyes on the road and also keep your stuff close to you . In our community, watch where you go, don't be at the wrong place at the wrong time, keep it clean a dirty community is in unsafe place.

  40. N.Hollis-7th
    In the house we make sure no one leaves the door open cause snakes are all in the yard and they try to come into the house.

  41. Yaneli Hernandez
    7th Period
    Well In some parts of my community that does not have such good lighting. Then there is the problem with the trash being in the streets, and no one tries to have a community service progam that will help make the city look cleaner. There are also some places where there are avandoned houses, and some people break in them. The houses should have a sign that says Private Property or something.

  42. trenton j
    Put label on the hazardious things. To lower the
    danger level put away all harmful chemicals
    5th period

  43. At home if we have chemicals they should be in their original bottle or labeled. If we have younger children we should storage chemical hazards in a place where they cant reach. Also make sure we practice good sanitation to prevent contamination. This would protect our family from foodborne illness and intoxication illness. Sanitation is one of the most important rules we should follow in order to stay healthy.

  44. Jasmin Laney 6th BlockSeptember 26, 2011 at 1:47 PM

    Every School, Community, Home etc. can imporove to aviod or fix hazard areas.
    ~Saniation is very important having a clean environment is good for people well being.Clean everything properly. Only use clean iteams.
    ~Look out for mold it grows in moist areas. Have some one tocome check your astmosphere out. Mold can make you sick and even deadly.
    ~Always have a safety plan in case ofan emergency. Be prepared and have the right equipment that is needed.

  45. In my community there is alot of uneven roads. It is unsafe because some people drive really fast down these roads. You could easily wreck in the car because you hit something.
    Amia Sims

  46. mjohnson
    7th period
    Chemicals have to be in their right places. It is a dangerous thing to do. What if somethinng is in a soda bottle thats not supposed to be there, then you can turn out DEAD.

  47. Alexxis Peavy
    7th period
    You can put up signs around the house or buliding towarn people.

  48. Candis Bullard
    7th period
    Fire Extinguisher- Put a fire detector in your school and home just to be safe.
