Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

Slide 23
'It will never happen to me': Is it more difficult to sell safety to younger people? Why? How can we best tackle the idea that everyone believes an accident will always happen to someone else? Incorporate your vocabulary terms in your response.


  1. T Nunn-5th Period

    It is more difficult to sell safety to younger people. The younger generation thinks they know everything there is to know. As kids, you think your job is to rebel against your elders or others in general. You never know what’ll happen to you. When I hear that quote I think in denial automatically. Everyone is in denial at one point or another whether you believe it or not. People see tragic things happen to others all the time that they never believe it could happen to them. One way to tackle the idea everyone believes an accident will not happen to them is to have spokesmen come talk to them. If you have people with experience express what happened to them, kids may think twice about things.

  2. WFields 5th period

    It is more difficult for young people to learn about safety .. Young people have the tendency to not listen to each and every word you say .. When talking to young people about safetyit would be best to tell them the negativies or the result of the outcome ..

  3. Trenton J
    Yes they do not pay attention to what you be saying unless it refers to a dance or something fun. Let them perticipate in some activties partaning to safety, and make it fun to do instead of something you have to do.
    5th period

  4. Brittany C.
    5th period
    It is more difficult to sell safety to younger people than it is to sell to older people. Younger people are more ignorant of being safe and safety hazards in hopes of being cool and such. Older people are more aware of the dangers around them and therefore have more intell on preventing potential safety hazards.

  5. Kierra Lassiter 5th PeriodSeptember 26, 2011 at 12:49 PM

    I don't think its very difficult because when your younger you have safety rules to follow and if they aren't followed there are consequences that goes along with it. Yes, it is easier for older people to follow but if they aren't use to them it'll be very difficult to keep that routine going and safety wouldn't be the first thing on their mind.

  6. A.Woods - 5th block
    Yes, I feel it is difficult to sell safety to younger people because most dont follow directions very well or maybe they just dont want to listen. We can best tackle this idea that everyone believes an accident will always happen to someone else because they may feel that nobody's perfect and they may have not followed directions as well.

  7. tyeesha walton period 5thSeptember 26, 2011 at 12:51 PM

    i think its harder to teach younger people safety.Because at that age they dont really understand safety and the reason for it.

  8. D. Daniels 5th Period

    I think yes, because it is very important to show little kids at a early age how and what to do in a kitchen, and never ever run or teach them the safety rules and then they probably will listen the first or 2nd time, but they probably continue to listen, but if you continue on the next day with that same subject then they probably start moving around or doing something else that is not that very important to them right then until later on that day. But when they get older they probably gonna be like I should've listen to my parents (or teachers if they talk about it in school), cause they probably want have a clue what they are doing once that point of life when they gets older

  9. s.Orozco
    5th period
    It is harder to sell safety to younger people. I think it's because they try to be cool and fit in. Another reason is because they really haven't had as much experience as older people

  10. S.Woods-5th pd.
    It is more difficult to sell safety to younger children because, it's hard for them to understand when they have friends around that will distract them. We can best handle this situation by making sure that the younger children know that mistakes are always happening.

  11. MS. DODSON
    5TH PD.

    It is more difficult to sell safety to younger people because younger people think that nothing wiil happen to them due to the fact that they are younger. They do not understand the consquences about safety. Safety is very important in younger people lives because they do not think positive about safety and that will cause a lot of accidents among them.

  12. It is very difficult because they think they know everything.there are many ways to help spread awareness about safety. There could be a documentary about safety, or a brochures.

  13. I think its hard to sell safety to younger or older kids.think about it what kid want to buy safety.the reason why i think its hard to sell safety to kids bacause they are use to buying drugs and things that are killing them

  14. C.Williams-6th periodSeptember 26, 2011 at 1:38 PM

    Is it more difficult to sell safety to younger people? Yes, because younger people don't have enough of the wisdom and knowledge. We think we know everything and we don't listen. That's how we get in trouble.

  15. Khoa Vu 6th Period
    Always take care your self.

  16. It's more difficult to get younger people than adults to be safe because adults know that anything can happen if you aren't being safe. We can tackle the idea that accidents happen to someone else by showing people that accidents can happen to anybody including them. People may think that they are safe because they think it won't happen to them, but if they realize the possibilities that anyone can be hurt they will stop thinking what they are thinking.

  17. yes, some kids think they're immune to consequences. show them that it can happen to them.

  18. Young people think that nothing will happen to them. Anyone can get heat exhaustion and heat stroke. We can give them information on how they need to be safe and tell it in a real life scenario. They need to know that they need to be safe.

  19. Nathan Prince 6 BlockSeptember 26, 2011 at 1:45 PM

    I think selling safety to younger people is not difficult at all. The reason is if people don't want safety then they don't need it. But if a accident has accured he or she will be in serious trouble. The best way to tackle the idea is give people something in return of product.

  20. j.harden-6th block
    well, to me children do not want to take time and learn the saftey rules beacuse they think that they will never get hurt. teachers and parents should take the time and make sure that there children are safe at all times by sitting them down and teaching them the food safety guidelines so they will remain safe.

  21. 6th period 'It will never happen to me': Is it more difficult to sell safety to younger people? Why? How can we best tackle the idea that everyone believes an accident will always happen to someone else? Foodborne is a illness i think i would never have.I make sure all my food is safe and healthy. Eveyone should be safe with the foods they eat and how they are eaten.It is any illness caused by eating contaminated food.

  22. Jasmin Laney 6th BlockSeptember 26, 2011 at 2:08 PM

    All kinds of things happens on a day to day bases. Teaching kids about it now willmost likely cut down on accidents as they get older. To get in the minds of kids now will help them grow knowing right and wrong some will do what is right some are going to do what is right. The most dangerous things that happen in the world today is so hard to believe that it can actually happen to people.Some people wouldnt think mold can give them cancer but it does. Getting a bad virus can happen to anyone.

  23. Jabria Brown-6th PeriodSeptember 26, 2011 at 2:14 PM

    Like I said when I writing my question I think no one should say it will never happen to me until the problem is dont you will never know what will happen you cant predict the future Also no one is perfect in my fact you shouldnt say that because it might hurt someone else. But that my opinion because it something that happens i the future I mean no one should say that.

  24. It is very difficult to sell safety to younger people.Young people think that nothing will never happen to them simply because they are young. Some people think that things always happen to others because they have bad karma or something IS always happening.
    Amia Sims
    7th period

  25. K. Biggs
    7th Period
    Its harder to get younger people to learn safety because they don't want to listen. It's harder to get them to listen to adults and teachers, they would rather listen to their friends about contamination, food safety, etc.

  26. s.reynolds
    i think younger people think that they are lame for being safe and thats why they say it never will happen to them. when it happens to them theyll understand. so i think the only way to do is let them get hurt.

  27. Lashonta Glover
    Yes its harder to sell safty to younger people because they think that things can't happen to use because they are younger and think t cant they cant get hurt

  28. Marquis Collins
    7th Period
    I think it is more difficult to sell safety to younger people because they not going to listen.When I was little, I did not want to listen and when I hurt myself I decided that i would listen.Safety rules are very important but it is your choice to choose if you want to use it or not.

  29. mjohnson
    7th period
    We tackle mostly anything we hear. So it will be very easy for us to tackle down that image.

  30. JWhitehead
    7th block
    Like for an example younger people are quick to say this won't happen to me i cant get hurt,i'm gone use seat belt safety as one you should always wear a seat belt or you'll get hurt but younger people are quick to say man nothing isn't going to happen and so on and so forth but the best way to solve this problem is YOUNG PEOPLE ALWAYS WEAR SEAT BELTS AT ALL TIMES ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN.

  31. Contrevion C
    7th period
    Safety is very important. They got to open their eyes and realize that they can be the one in the situation. There should be an event each year to show children what could happen.

  32. Yaneli Hernandez14(:
    7th Period
    I believe that it is harder to sell anytype of safety to teens since the begining of times. As teens we take more risks before we even think about the future consequenses. We always think that we are invensible. we think that the advices that our parents and school staff try to tell us are lies to try and keep us from having a good time. When in reality they are protecting us from a dangerous situation.

  33. BPham-7th
    Yes, I think it is harder to sell any type of safety to younger people, or teens. As teens, we don't take safety serious as adults do. Most teenagers have not experience danger, and not notice how dangerous it is to be unsafe, in their growing state to be a mature adult. Teen is the age of being obstinate, and doggedness, and they careen through everything they have done. Teenagers are careless about safety, and they think being safety is ‘un-cool’. They thought they know what safety is, why to be safety, how to be safety, and when to safety, which is all the time. They say safety is not important when it come to partying, or socializing. Teenagers believe that being safety is keeping them from having fun with their friends. In fact, they always think what their family and teacher say about safety is a lie. We can encourage parent to talk to their teen or teens about safety more often; parent should tell them what the consequences of not being safety are. However, being safety is not just one-person act. Parents should be participating with their children being safety. With the help of trustworthy adult can help young people know, and understand their safety rule easier and better in a quick way.

  34. D.clinkscale
    7th period
    Dont run or move too quickly when you have items in your hands.You should be safe and dont do things that you shouldnt be doin.

  35. b.merritt 5th block All kinds of things happens on a day to day bases. Teaching kids about it now willmost likely cut down on accidents as they get older. To get in the minds of kids now will help them grow knowing right and wrong some will do what is right some are going to do what is right. The most dangerous things that happen in the world today is so hard to believe that it can actually happen to people.

  36. Eric Davis
    5th block

    It would never happen to me. I would like to kno all saftey ruels for I do any things in the kitchen. Alot of young people dont take saftey verey serious, but I would like to take the time to encourge younger people to learn more about safety.

  37. Its harder for people my age to understand the importance of safety. We dont think accidents can happen to us but actually more things can happen to us since we take the risk. Most of the time we dont think about what we do before we do it. Adults try to teach us to be safe, however just because they teach us doesnt mean we will be smart enough to do it. We should be more thoughtful of what we do if we really care about our health.

  38. I don't think its very difficult because when your younger you have safety rules to follow and if they aren't followed there are consequences that goes along with it. Yes, it is easier for older people to follow but if they aren't use to them it'll be very difficult to keep that routine going and safety wouldn't be the first thing on their mind.

    Rouland D.
    7th period

  39. Alexxis Peavy
    7th period
    Always take care of yourself.
