Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

Why is safety and sanitation important in a foodservice environment?


  1. deandre brown 5th period
    foodservice sanition is very imprtant so folks wont get sick from food poisoning

  2. Safety is good to have and to know .. Safety are use to help people be safe in the kitchen .. Sanitation is important sothingsbeening useshould be clean .. wfields 5th period

  3. Brittany C.
    5th period
    Sanitation and safety is important in the foodservice industry because it ensures no one will get sick from food poisoning and no one will get hurt from misuse of equipment.

  4. b.merritt 5th block
    it is important that you are sanitized because, you are never to prapare food without being clean.you should always make sure your hands are clean.you should also always cover your nose with your elbow so you can't sneez on anyone else food.

  5. T Nunn- 5th Period

    Safety and sanitation are some of the most important factors of the food service industry. Safety by far may be the most important factor. Without proper safety someone could get hurt. You should be aware of the symbols on objects such as if it's flammable. You need to know these things to keep you, your customers, your employees, and restaurant safe. Sanitation is very important. If you're sick in the kitchen and you're cooking someone's food, you could get them sick. Someone may get seriously ill because of you. You should properly washh your hands. Don't put your hands all over your face and continue what you're doing. You need to stop and take a minute and wash your hands. These are some of the simple procedures to follow in the kitchen.

  6. A.Woods - 5th period
    Safety and sanitation are very important to the foodservice environment because that way no one get hurt and germs wont get on the food or anything .

  7. S.Orozco
    5th period
    Safety and sanitation is very important. If cooking equipment isn't cleaned properly people could get hurt. Also, if you don't know safety skils such as how to use a knife properly, an accident could occur.

  8. K.Lassiter
    5th block
    Safety is important because you could get harmed such as gettin burned, cut etc. If you don't follow the proper safety guides there are consequences to face. Sanitation is important because harmful viruses or/and bacteria could be produced if your not so careful. It could cause major sickness.

  9. foodservice safety is important because someone or yourself can get help,or you may cause a problem that can cause the business to close.

    jaquarious 5th

  10. j.clemons 5th-period
    Why is safety and santitation immportant in a foodservice environment. Food safety is increasingly important in school foodservice operations. Directors of centralized foodservice systems identify food safety and quality control as being an advantage for these systems, yet often there are more critical control points in these foodservice systems than there are in conventional foodservice systems because food is
    prepared, chilled, and reheated for service.

    Sanitation and Safety is important becuase you don't want hurt any in the kitchen. Sanitati on rules are so you don't contaminate the food when preparing the food. Without the sanitation rules people who the food can get food poison or even worse die. When using a knife its certain way to use it. That comes with the safety rules. It's very impotant to know these rules so no one wont get hurt.

  12. M.Pesina -5th Period
    Safety and sanitation is very important in a foodservice environment. First of all safety the owner should make sure the employees of the restaurant are safe as well as the customers. If something happens to the employees or customers the owner of the restaurant could get in serioua trouble. Sanitation is also very important in order for the restaurant to be a good restaurant. No one will want to go to a restaurant that is dirty and doesnt offer good sanitation. Thats why restaurant should worry about having safety and good sanitation.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. M.DODSON
    5TH PD.

    Safety and Saintation is important in a foodservice environment because it is important to be very caution in foodservice to eliminate food poison. Safety is important to protect people health, and bodly injury.

  15. So nobody else sickness will effect and so the food want be effected by your bacteria

  16. If someone is sick but they sanitize properly then they cant spread their sickness and disease. Also, if someone is choking then someone should be able to give CPR in case of emergency.

  17. Safety is important because you won't have to worry about anybody getting hurt in your restaurant. Sanitation is important because you won't have to worry about bugs and bacteria growing around your foods. Also, you won't have to worry about people getting sick in your restaurant and getting a bad reputation.

  18. j.harden-6tblock
    well to me safety and sanitation is importaint in the food service enviroment because ...
    *1. you need to know what to do if a conflict occurs
    -ex. CPR
    *2. sanitation helps keep down bacteria and helps with keeping the supplies clean by washing them
    -for ex. cleaning your hands ans sanitizing the area.

  19. Safety and sanitation is very important in the foodservice environment. It will keep everyone safe and heathly. It can decrease the chances of becoming sick. People will be less likely to harm theirselves. It will keep down alot of problems.

  20. Khoa Vu 6th Period
    Because if you are not be careful you can kill people.

  21. Jasmin Laney 6th BlockSeptember 6, 2011 at 1:42 PM

    Sanitation is important in the foodservice because it brings buisness to you company.
    People will come to your business if the environment is clean. If the place is dirty people wont eat there. You can also get shut down as well. Having a safe environment is very important as well. Knowing you, your cjild your family etc. is safe makes people want to come to the buisness.

  22. I thinks it is important because what if something _UNSAFE_ happen then what is that person going to do. For sanitation everyone should keep there hands clean and where the cut meat at clean also no one wants unsafe food. What if you get poisoning then whats going to happen so that why you got to keep everything clean. Being safe what if you get cut and get blood on your food. What if you burn yourself. You need to kno what and how to keep from preventing these things. Thats why I thinks its important.

  23. C.Williams-6th periodSeptember 6, 2011 at 1:42 PM

    Why is safety and sanitation important in a foodservice environment? Having good clean food and a good clean restaurant is appealing. It lets you know that your food is clean and the place that you're eating is keeping good on hygiene. Safe hazard free environment will keep you from harms way like catching a disease or even falling and breaking your neck.

  24. 6th period Why is safety and sanitation important in a foodservice environment? Safety and Sanitation is always important in the foodservice industry. Safety is because if someone gets choked you would know how to help.Sanitation you should always prepare yourself.you also should make sure you wash your hands.

  25. gavin moody 6th periodSeptember 6, 2011 at 1:48 PM

    Food safety is an essential part of the adult day care program to prevent foodborne illness. There is a
    need for a well-designed food safety program that protects both employees and adult day care
    Food Safety and Sanitation
    National Food Service Management Institute 61
    Food Safety Hazards
    The majority of adult day care participants are high-risk
    for foodborne illness due to age or medical conditions.
    In order for a foodborne illness to occur, all of the
    following must be available:
    Presence of a pathogen (bacteria, viruses, or
    parasites) in the food
    Food to carry the pathogen
    Conditions that allow the pathogen to
    survive, multiply, and produce a toxin
    High-risk person who eats enough of the
    pathogen or its toxins to cause illness
    (Roberts, 2001)
    It is important that adult day care providers serve safe food.
    Older adults and adults with special needs and disabilities are at greater risk of becoming sick
    from improperly handled foods than are younger, healthier individuals.
    Food that is stored, prepared, and served properly is more likely to retain its fresh quality and
    nutritional value.
    This chapter discusses the components of a food safety program to help evaluate either in-house food
    preparation or a commercial vendor.
    While the food supply in the United States is one of the safest in the world, there are many ways
    foods can become unsafe through improper handling.
    Foods contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or
    parasites can cause illness, especially in high-risk groups.

  26. it is important to keep from getting harmed and so those who eat the food dont get sick from it

  27. Jaren Hill 6th PeriodSeptember 6, 2011 at 1:55 PM

    Jaren Hill 6th Period

    Sanitation is important because of germs. Germs can get on the food we eat if the person or people who make the food doesn't wash their hands the right way.
    Safty is also important. If a person is choking simply get behind their back and cuff your arms around their chest and easily squeezy your arms inward to their chest. Keep doing that until whatever they was choking on comes out.

  28. MALIK CARTER 6PERIOD 9-6-11September 6, 2011 at 1:58 PM

    Sanitation is the hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards of wastes. Hazards can be either physical, microbiological, biological or chemical agents of disease. Wastes that can cause

  29. s.reynolds
    7th period
    so you dont get hurt or get germs.

  30. Kyle
    7th Period
    Safety and sanitation in one of the most important Environments in the food service industry. Who would want to go to a restaurant and the forks, and knives are dirt? No one wants to eat in a dirty un-sanitary restaurant.

  31. alton m. dodson from 7th period
    safety and sanitation is oh so important in the food service industry...you should be safe and sanitary in the foodservice industry so no one becomes sick or hurt.

  32. Kelsey - 7th period
    You need to maintain a safe and sanitized enviroment that way all the employees stay safe and the food is sanitary for the people to eat. When you are not being safe employees and/or the customers could be harmed in one way or another. If the place is not sanitary then the same thing could happen in a different or possibly worse way. Also the restaurant can be shut down.

  33. adrain smith
    7th period
    safety is important because it helps you keep things organized. also being rules so nothing goes wrong. sanitation is important because of people might get sick because of bad sanitation. these things help alot because the life of others is very important.

  34. N.Hollis-7th
    Because if you dont have these things in a restaurant people could get hurt and or get sick. Make sure you wash your hands really good and have the food clean so no one will fall and hurt themselfs.

  35. Tyesha stone
    7th period

    Because people in resurants would need to wash their hands before serving people in the resturant wont get sick.

  36. Safety and sanitation is important because you can make people sick if your hands are not clean. You can also give people oral disease if your hand isn't sanitized.

    7th period
    Rouland D.

  37. BPham-7th
    It is important that you know about the safety and sanitation. You should make sure that you are not hurting yourself, or anyone else. You should want to make sure that the food you cook is safe for others to eat. You also should know how to store food in the refrigerator.

  38. mjohnson
    7th period
    Sanitary is really important in the food service industry. Germs carry alot and people can really get sick. When you are working in the foodservice industry we have to keep clean. Sanitary is one of the main prioritys of a chef.

  39. Anna Roberts
    It is important to have safety so you know how to stay safe inthe kitchen.

  40. Marquis Collins
    7th Period
    It is important because if you eat something you should not eat fast.Sanitation is important because if you eat and your hands not clean you would get sick.Safety and Sanitation is provided to all of the restaurants.

  41. Brandi Tyson
    7th period
    Safety and sanitation is very important in the environment of the kitchen. Having a healthy and clean kitchen is a priority in the foodservices. It is safe to have one so no one not even you will get sick in the kitchen or even eating the food.

  42. Lashonta glover
    Safety in Sanitation is important in a foodservice environment because Bacteria can spread throughout the kitchen and get on to cutting boards, knives, sponges and counter tops. Here's how to prevent this
    cross-contamination: For best
    results, consumers should use very warm water to moisten their hands and
    then apply soap and rub their hands together for 20 seconds before
    rinsing thoroughly with tolerably hot water.

  43. Y.Hernandez14:)
    7th Block
    Safety is important so that you would know how to handle the kitchen instruments carefuly. The sanitation is important so that you know the proper way to wash our hands and handle the food properly.

  44. D.clindkcale
    7th period
    Safety is important in a foodservice environment because you dont want your food too be contaminated or some one sick in your restraunt

  45. Safety and Sanitation is very important. When your restaurant is a hazard place then your workers will get hurt. If your restraurant nasty the no one will come thats why its important.
    K.Jackson (:
    7th Period

  46. Contrevion C
    7th period
    In the foodservice today, customers want a clean resturaunt to eat from. Sanitation is a important due to the people you're serving. Also the safety is very important in the foodservice. You dont want you, or your customers getting hurt.

  47. Saftey is important because if you do not use these certain safety rules then you will have either you to get hurt or someone else to get hurt. Sanitation is important because if you have a food critic come and your score is lower than a 6 then no one will eat their and your buisiness will eventually go bankrupt, and you or your employeers will loose a job and possibly even a home.
    ~Savanna Phillips <33 7th Block

  48. Candis Bullard
    7th period
    Without good sanitary conditions, germs and disease would spread quickly. This would make people get sick and die more often, and would make it a disgusting world to live in.

  49. Alexxis Peavy
    7th Period
    The reason why safety and satitation is soo important in the foodservice environment because if someone was to come out the bathroom and don't wash thier hands and go back into the kitchen and cook that will be very nasty. And for safety if they are in the kichen and something burn they will need a fire exsteemecher.

  50. JWhitehead
    7th Block
    They're important because Food service safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of ... food on health of further generations and genetic pollution of the environment.

  51. Sanitation is important because there are alot of diseases and things of that nature that you can get. Safety is impotant because you could get seriously hurt if you are not handeling the object(s)corectly.
    Amia sims
    7th pd

  52. Tomeka Bryant
    7th pd

    Safety and sanitation is important in a foodservice enviorment, because when your cooks go to the restroom, you don't want them to come out and not wash their hands.

  53. D. Daniels 5th Period

    Sanitation and safety is important in the foodservice industry because it ensures no one will get sick from food poisoning and no one will get hurt from misuse of equipment.

  54. Jaren Hill 6th PeriodSeptember 15, 2011 at 1:57 PM

    Jaren Hill 6th Period

    Sanitation and Safty is important because if a employee doesn't wash their hands u can end u sick and if u run with a knife and trip u may end up hurting someone or killing yourself.

  55. t.walton

    Sanitation and safety is important in the foodservice industry because it ensures no one will get sick from food poisoning.

  56. Eric Davis
    5th block

    Saftey and Sanitation is important so no one will get hurt or ill.If you are be safe and sanitized during a job every thing will be ok.

  57. S.Woods
    5th period
    Safety and sanitation is important to the food service industry because sanitation is needed in the kitchen and safety, so no one will be sick or no one will be hurt.

  58. the reason for sanitation and saftey is to keep things goin. sanitation means clean as in wash your hands before eating.To serve costomers you have to be clean. you dont even have to be in the kitchen.After using the bathroom.

  59. Nathan Prince 6 blockSeptember 16, 2011 at 2:18 PM

    The reason why food safety and sanitation important because safety it tells about falls,cuts,preventing fire and burns,poisoning,and electric shocks from ever happening. And sanitation is ,Washing your hands
    ,Wearing Gloves,
    Work Surfaces
    ,Tasting Food
    ,Reducing Pests, Washing your Dishes,
    Disinfecting Surfaces,and
    Other Cool Sites.
